By 2027, IT departments will spend more than $1 trillion on SaaS applications and cloud services, a 288% increase from 2020. As organizations increasingly rely on SaaS, IT leaders must know their data backup responsibilities.
However, 79% of IT teams believe that SaaS applications include backup and recovery capabilities by default, which they don’t.
This report explores:
- How data loss happens within SaaS applications
- How much IT professionals know about their responsibilities in backing up SaaS data
- Strategies for data loss and prevention in the cloud
Find out where you stand in the industry—and how to begin safeguarding your business-critical data.
Here’s a sneak peek at what we found:
of IT professionals aren’t aware of their responsibility to back up their SaaS data.
said human error has caused data loss in their organization.
said third-party apps/integrations have caused data loss in their organization.