Rewind Blog

Stories and insights about data security and backups.


The Shared Responsibility Model and SaaS, explained

SaaS apps (like most cloud-powered tech) use the Shared Responsibility Model, meaning users share the responsibility of data protection.

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How To

5 test flows to start with in Rewind Monitor

by Larissa Hildebrandt | July 21, 2023

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Data Recovery

How To

A complete guide to Bitbucket exports and imports

by Idowu Odesanmi | May 18, 2023

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Product News

Get more granular with Rewind Protection Suite

by Larissa Hildebrandt | April 25, 2023

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A graphic image of a store front with a sign on the door that says "BRB", short for "be right back".
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Backups FAQ

Backups for Bitbucket – FAQ

by Sarah Bader | April 4, 2023

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Data Recovery

CSV file imports broke your store. Now what?

by Sarah Bader | March 30, 2023

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A difficult update at Rewind

by Rewind Team | March 22, 2023

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