Author: Sarah Bader

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Sarah Bader
Sarah Bader is a content writer, tech enthusiast, and passionate supporter of the Oxford Comma. When she puts her pen down, she can often be found riding her bike around Ottawa or watching trashy reality tv with her dog (he’s a big fan).

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Data Security


Protecting IP in a high turnover world

by Sarah Bader | November 16, 2023

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Data Recovery

How To

A complete guide to Bitbucket exports and imports

by Idowu Odesanmi | May 18, 2023

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A graphic image of a store front with a sign on the door that says "BRB", short for "be right back".
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Backups FAQ

Backups for Bitbucket – FAQ

by Sarah Bader | April 4, 2023

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Data Recovery

CSV file imports broke your store. Now what?

by Sarah Bader | March 30, 2023

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Backup Blogs

The benefits of automation in ecommerce

by Elliott Pearce | February 21, 2023

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Data Recovery


Is Confluence down? Here’s what to do next

by Sarah Bader | January 30, 2023

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